Model 20112….No Question, Just Praise!!

Model 20112….No Question, Just Praise!!

Question: No question just praise. I have 29 guitars and 8 amps early 70’s super reverb evh 50 watt head into a 2×12 evh 59 bassman ltd reissue tweed blues junior fully modded tweed blues junior nos tweed pro junior tweed Vox ac15c2 twin amd……………. and ………….and the...
“Best Sounding & Most Fun Amp Ever”

“Best Sounding & Most Fun Amp Ever”

I have played about 100 different amps. I have owned about 50 different amps. Half of those boutique. Owned Dr.Z, Fender custom shop, Swart, etc. . I don’t throw out compliments easy. I talked with you on the phone a few days ago. Bought a trem deluxe. Here’s my...